HCP Releases 2021 Walk & Ride the Valley Calendar
HCP & Community Partners Promote Community Walks, Rides to Improve Physical & Mental Health
Members of HCP and community partners are excited to release the 2021 Walk & Ride the Valley Calendar!
All walks and rides are free and open to anyone interested to connect with others, interested in exploring our communities, making new connections, and improving physical health and mental wellness.
In June, Walk and Ride Leaders met to share where, when, and most importantly why they walk–or ride. Obviously, there are physical health benefits for riding and walking, but there’s so much more. People connect with each other and with their neighborhoods. These connections to people and places create a sense of community and belonging that is a critical foundation to any healthy community.
As our community reconnects with each other and is reacquainted with familiar routines, Walk & Ride the Valley leaders hope lessons learned during the pandemic about the important roles our shared outdoor and natural spaces are remembered and not forgotten.
The following organizations and individuals were present at the initial Walk Leader Convening:
- Sarah Lowry, Healthy Community Partnership
- Doris Bullock, Mercy Health Stepping Out
- Dana Wilson, Mercy Health Stepping Out
- Dr. Kellie Kirksey, Walk with a Doc
- Dr. Alicia Prieto-Langarica, Black Periodt
- Lisa Resnick, Walk Youngstown/Walk the Valley
- Leah Sakas, RSVP Mahoning Valley
- Ira Cross, CycWard Bike Club
- Lillian Lewis, YSU Department of Art
Since the Walk Leaders got together, there are already new Walk Leaders organizing opportunities for residents to be out and active:
- Lynn Bilal, Walk It Out for Mental Wellness | Fridays @ 4:30 PM in Wick Park, Youngstown
- Judy DeGenova, UUYO Wick Park Walking Group | Tuesdays @ 7:00 PM in Wick Park, Youngstown
Be sure to like the Healthy Community Partnership and Walk the Valley on Facebook stay up to date on upcoming community walks and rides.
Check back here to meet some of our Valley’s Walk & Ride Leaders in an upcoming feature on the evolution of Walk Youngstown to Walk & Ride the Valley. We’ve come a long way in a short time, but we still have a ways to go.
If you’re interested in joining a walk or becoming a Walk Leader, email info@hcpmahoningvalley.com
- Walk & Ride the Valley Calendar (Front)
- Walk & Ride the Valley Calendar (Checkers)
- Walk & Ride the Calendar (List)