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So far Sarah Lowry has created 78 blog entries.

Partner Spotlight: Ride On! Community Ride Leaders Part 2 | Kelan Bilal & Justin Mondok


HCP Partner Spotlight: Ride On! Community Ride Leaders Part 2 |  Justin Mondok & Kelan Bilal HCP Members Participate in Multi-Day Yay Bikes! Community Ride Leader Training and Create Ride On! An Inclusive Bicycle Advocacy and Education Group  By spring of 2018, the Healthy Community Partnership was about to have our training wheels taken off as we set out to begin our journey towards creating a healthier, more equitable Mahoning Valley. Transportation can be a significant community asset, but it, or the lack of it, can be a significant liability. Making sure that people of all ages and abilities [...]

Partner Spotlight: Ride On! Community Ride Leaders Part 2 | Kelan Bilal & Justin Mondok2020-05-22T11:26:53+00:00

HCP Collab-blog: Celebrating Bicycling in Warren—A Cycle in Evolution


HCP Highlights: Celebrating Bicycling in Warren—A Cycle in Evolution Reflecting on a Proud History with Bike to Work Warren to a Promising Future with Trumbull County Bike Fest at the Warren-Trumbull County Library, Walk and Bike to School Days, and Beyond Contributors: Jenna Amerine and Denise Rising Though the Healthy Community Partnership is still relatively new, the partners and their work have been present and pushing for change for many years. But, the members of HCP recognize that no one organization, or one city or one county for that matter, can create and continue the kind of [...]

HCP Collab-blog: Celebrating Bicycling in Warren—A Cycle in Evolution2020-06-17T13:48:39+00:00

Director’s Note: Caring about Nature, Neighborhoods, and Our Neighbors during and after COVID-19


Caring about Nature, Neighborhoods, and Our Neighbors HCP-MV efforts highlight interconnectedness of parks, public spaces, people, and policy The world is in a time of transition and transformation. Winter has become spring, for the most part. Our lives and routines are continuing to adapt to existing in a world with physical distancing. A world where holidays are celebrated on screens. A world where some of us now work, go to school, pray and play in our living rooms and kitchens. A world where the outdoors has become the gym. A world where we have been forced to live, [...]

Director’s Note: Caring about Nature, Neighborhoods, and Our Neighbors during and after COVID-192020-06-11T15:58:56+00:00

HCP Partner Spotlight: Ride On! Community Ride Leaders Part 1 | Jenna Amerine & Ira Cross


HCP Partner Spotlight: Ride On! Community Ride Leaders Part 1 | Jenna Amerine & Ira Cross HCP Members Participate in Multi-Day Yay Bikes! Community Ride Leader Training and Create Ride On! An Inclusive Bicycle Advocacy and Education Group  By spring of 2018, the Healthy Community Partnership was about to have our training wheels taken off as we set out to begin our journey towards creating a healthier, more equitable Mahoning Valley. Transportation can be a significant community asset, but it, or the lack of it, can be a significant liability. Making sure that people of all ages and abilities in [...]

HCP Partner Spotlight: Ride On! Community Ride Leaders Part 1 | Jenna Amerine & Ira Cross2020-05-13T18:59:17+00:00

Share Your Smile, Not Your Space Press Release


HEALTHY COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIP-MAHONING VALLEY LAUNCHES COVID-19 HEALTH AND WELLNESS RESOURCE GUIDE AND OUTDOOR ACTIVITY CHALLENGE Resources and Activities to Help Residents Be Safe, Active while Staying Home FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Sarah Lowry Director of the Healthy Community Partnership Mahoning Valley Community Foundation of the Mahoning Valley (330) 540-1022  SLowry@cfmv.org HEALTHY COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIP-MAHONING VALLEY LAUNCHES COVID-19 HEALTH AND WELLNESS RESOURCE GUIDE AND OUTDOOR ACTIVITY CHALLENGE Resources and Activities to Help Residents Be Safe, Active while Staying Home  YOUNGSTOWN, OHIO – Members of the Healthy Community Partnership-Mahoning Valley (HCP-MV) are working together to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic crisis [...]

Share Your Smile, Not Your Space Press Release2020-04-29T20:25:45+00:00

HCP Partner Spotlight: Community Foundation of the Mahoning Valley


Partner Spotlight: Community Foundation of the Mahoning Valley With support from the Community Foundation of the Mahoning Valley and its three supporting organizations, the Healthy Community Partnership-Mahoning Valley (HCP-MV) is a collaboration of organizations and members who share a commitment to a healthier Mahoning Valley. The partnership’s work has been guided by a steering committee made up of Mahoning Valley residents representing a variety of sectors including the city and county public health districts, council of governments and commissioners’ offices, community development corporations, neighborhood leaders, food cooperatives, and hospital systems. Partner Spotlights provide us with opportunities to get to [...]

HCP Partner Spotlight: Community Foundation of the Mahoning Valley2020-05-14T17:32:24+00:00

Ground Breaking for Lincoln Knolls Community Park


Lincoln Knolls Ground Breaking Ceremony On Thursday, July 18, Lincoln Knolls Community Watch and many partners broke ground on improvements to Lincoln Knolls Community Park. Residents from the Lincoln Knolls Community Watch have been working closely with the City of Youngstown, Youngstown Neighborhood Development Corporation (YNDC), Healthy Community Partnership, and other community leaders to develop a plan and generate support to upgrade the amenities and condition of Lincoln Knolls Community Park.

Ground Breaking for Lincoln Knolls Community Park2020-03-11T19:39:43+00:00

HCP Partners Participate at 2019 Innovations Conference


Safe Routes to Parks walk audit attendees learning about recent infrastructure investments at Crandall Park. (Left to Right) Doris Bullock, Dawn Turnage, Denise Rising, and Danielle Lewis lead a group of Innovations attendees on a Safe Routes to Parks walk audit from the JCC to Crandall Park. Deb Flora, Executive Director of the Mahoning County Land Bank, shares green space projects in Youngstown, Campbell neighborhoods. Shawn Carvin, Director of the Trumbull County Land Bank, discusses vacant lot and green space projects in Warren. Jim Kinnick, Executive Director of Eastgate, and Mayor Brown [...]

HCP Partners Participate at 2019 Innovations Conference2019-06-19T18:22:36+00:00
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