PRESS RELEASE: Celebration for Nutrition Incentive Investments


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE HEALTHY COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIP, CONGRESSMAN RYAN, COMMUNITY LEADERS, CELEBRATE CRITICAL INVESTMENTS IN NUTRITION INCENTIVE INITIATIVE **FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE**  CONTACT: SARAH LOWRY SLOWRY@CFMV.ORG (330) 743-5555 August  30, 2021 HEALTHY COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIP, CONGRESSMAN RYAN, COMMUNITY LEADERS, CELEBRATE CRITICAL INVESTMENTS IN NUTRITION INCENTIVE INITIATIVE Warren, OH – The Healthy Community Partnership-Mahoning Valley (the Partnership) is celebrating nearly $7 million in state and federal investment in Produce Perks Midwest’s nutrition incentive program in Ohio. The celebration will take place on Tuesday, August 31 at 3 PM at the Warren Farmers Market.  Recent investments in Produce Perks Midwest’s Nutrition Incentive Program [...]

PRESS RELEASE: Celebration for Nutrition Incentive Investments2021-08-31T16:40:43+00:00

Share Your Smile, Not Your Space Press Release


HEALTHY COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIP-MAHONING VALLEY LAUNCHES COVID-19 HEALTH AND WELLNESS RESOURCE GUIDE AND OUTDOOR ACTIVITY CHALLENGE Resources and Activities to Help Residents Be Safe, Active while Staying Home FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Sarah Lowry Director of the Healthy Community Partnership Mahoning Valley Community Foundation of the Mahoning Valley (330) 540-1022 HEALTHY COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIP-MAHONING VALLEY LAUNCHES COVID-19 HEALTH AND WELLNESS RESOURCE GUIDE AND OUTDOOR ACTIVITY CHALLENGE Resources and Activities to Help Residents Be Safe, Active while Staying Home  YOUNGSTOWN, OHIO – Members of the Healthy Community Partnership-Mahoning Valley (HCP-MV) are working together to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic crisis [...]

Share Your Smile, Not Your Space Press Release2020-04-29T20:25:45+00:00
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