HCP Partner Spotlight: Dr. Lashale Pugh, Assistant Exec. Director/ Research & Evaluation Director at Northeast Ohio Black Health Coalition


HCP Partner Spotlight: Dr. Lashale Pugh, Assistant Exec. Director/ Research & Evaluation Director at Northeast Ohio Black Health Coalition  For this month's partner spotlight we had the great privilege to interview Dr. Lashale Pugh. Dr. Pugh is a member of HCP's Healthy Food Retail Action team and is the Assistant Executive Director/ Research & Evaluation Director at the Northeast Ohio Black Health Coalition (NEOBHC). In her role Dr. Pugh works to educate the community about the factors that lead to healthy disparities and works to increase community access to healthy, nutritious, and culturally appropriate foods through her food [...]

HCP Partner Spotlight: Dr. Lashale Pugh, Assistant Exec. Director/ Research & Evaluation Director at Northeast Ohio Black Health Coalition2023-08-30T19:14:02+00:00

HCP Partner Spotlight: Lydia Walls, The New Trumbull Food Access Coordinator


HCP Partner Spotlight: Lydia Walls, The New Trumbull Food Access Coordinator In the past few months of the new year, we have had many partnership members move into new positions within and outside of their organization. Lydia Walls is one such person who experienced such a change. Lydia started with the Trumbull Neighborhood Partnership last summer as a summer AmeriCorps VISTA. After she completed her term, she moved into a program coordinator position at TNP when the previous Trumbull Food Access Coordinator received a new position at TNP. Lydia moved into the position and has hit the ground [...]

HCP Partner Spotlight: Lydia Walls, The New Trumbull Food Access Coordinator2023-08-30T19:16:42+00:00

Mahoning Matters | “For the Health of It” Growing Movement Puts Control of Food Access into Local Hands


ICYMI Mahoning Matters | "For the Health of It" Growing Movement Puts Control of Food Access into Local Hands Fewer tricks and more treats in local food access movement It’s November, which means trick-or-treating, scary movies, haunted houses and ghost stories have passed. But, as is often the case, some of the scariest stories and experiences are things we are faced with every day and hide in plain sight. For instance, if the Mahoning Valley had a quality of life FAQ, one of the questions haunting the top would be, “Where are the grocery stores?”  The answer to [...]

Mahoning Matters | “For the Health of It” Growing Movement Puts Control of Food Access into Local Hands2022-11-16T19:34:49+00:00

PRESS RELEASE: Celebration for Nutrition Incentive Investments


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE HEALTHY COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIP, CONGRESSMAN RYAN, COMMUNITY LEADERS, CELEBRATE CRITICAL INVESTMENTS IN NUTRITION INCENTIVE INITIATIVE **FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE**  CONTACT: SARAH LOWRY SLOWRY@CFMV.ORG (330) 743-5555 August  30, 2021 HEALTHY COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIP, CONGRESSMAN RYAN, COMMUNITY LEADERS, CELEBRATE CRITICAL INVESTMENTS IN NUTRITION INCENTIVE INITIATIVE Warren, OH – The Healthy Community Partnership-Mahoning Valley (the Partnership) is celebrating nearly $7 million in state and federal investment in Produce Perks Midwest’s nutrition incentive program in Ohio. The celebration will take place on Tuesday, August 31 at 3 PM at the Warren Farmers Market.  Recent investments in Produce Perks Midwest’s Nutrition Incentive Program [...]

PRESS RELEASE: Celebration for Nutrition Incentive Investments2021-08-31T16:40:43+00:00
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